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私は美食評論家として、台北市のあるフレンチレストランで、忘れられない食体験をすることができました。このレストラン「french cuisine Taipei」は、静かな通りに位置し、シンプルで明るい外観から高級なフレンチレストランであることが一目で分かります。
レストランに入ると、まずその内装と雰囲気に惹かれました。レストランのデザインはフランスの雰囲気に溢れており、エレガントで精巧な内装と照明デザインで、レストラン全体がパリの小さな通りにいるような感覚になります。また、レストランの雰囲気は非常に温かく、サービススタッフは非常に親切で、フランスの情熱を感じることができました。french cuisine Taipei

French Cuisine With a Twist to Chez Soi's Old Digs

“David was originally meant to help us bring something new to Chez Soi” Caroline, former manager of Chez Soi tells me. When it was decided Chez Soi wasn’t to continue, though, she says she left the restaurant in the hands of David, who in her eyes was more than capable of breathing new life into the space. french cuisine Taipei
And new life in the space there is. The interior and exterior space have been completely overhauled since the change in ownership. It’s now filled with white walls, primarily blue seating and marble tabletops (the layout could change depending on where people like to sit, says David), and other elements like tiled walls, a wine cooler and sleek bar. There’s also a menu in development, but this will take time. 

“Everything on the menu will have a twist,” Tab, former marketing manager of Chez Soi, tells me enthusiastically. This is echoed by David, who says they’ll have a simple menu of mainly southern French dishes to start out, particularly lots of fish, but it will either expand or contract with demand or change based on season.  french cuisine Taipei
There will also be a focus on enhancing flavors with unexpected ingredients. “For instance, with duck and a few other dishes, I’ll use Japanese elements like miso or dashi” explains David. “I feel like Japanese works well with French; Japanese has a nice umami that can elevate other cuisines.”


US restaurant caters classical French cuisine to dogs

Does your dog enjoy high-end cuisine or luxury food? If yes, then one restaurant in the US has the solution. 
Four-legged pals can choose from the tastiest dishes available at Dogue in San Fransico. A restaurant where the menu is made to satisfy even the pickiest canines.  french cuisine Taipei
Take a look!


This entails a wide variety of expertly made parties (from the 'pawtisserie,' of course) served during the week, washed down one of three "dogguchinos" creamy drinks laced with spirulina or charcoal.  french cuisine Taipei

Customers who are dog lovers can experience a three-course tasting menu for $75 at Dogue on Sundays when it morphs into Bone Appetite Cafe. 

My intention for food was always as if I want to eat it

The owner of the  french cuisine Taipei  said, "You eat with your eyes first before you even take a bite." He further added that he wanted the food to make it appear as though he wanted to eat it. 

'Dogue' fresh food for dogs

The owner is a classically educated chef who got his start at a prestigious San Fransico  french cuisine Taipei  named 'Dogue,' French for 'mastiff,' a whole essence for fresh food for dogs which even allowed for a customised menu for pet owners who can even take things home. 

Classical French cuisine

The opening of a posh doggy dinner in the state, where the residents claim there are more pets than children. 

The restaurant offers French cuisine to dogs. 

Symbol of unbalanced priorities?

Critics have claimed that restaurant is a symbol of the unbalanced priorities of a community with a high rate of drug addiction and wireless homeless. 

source: WION 

What food products have risen most in price in France?

New figures show that year-on-year, prices are up most for meat, pasta, margarine, and coffee, as a result of the war in Ukraine, energy costs, drought, frost, and lingering effects of Covid

By Hannah Thompson
Meat and pasta are among the food items that rose the most in price last month in France, new figures show, with supermarket prices overall 7.9% higher than this time last year. 

Year-on-year to August 2022, the highest price rises were: 
Frozen meat: 28%
Minced meat: 21%
Pasta: 19%
Pasta-based prepared dishes: 17%
Margarine: 16%
Roasted coffee: 16%
Non-food items were also affected, including food packaging products (18%), paper tissues (17%), and kitchen roll paper (17%). french cuisine Taipei
The most recent figures come from global consumer insights service Iri.
The price rises are not solely due to the war in Ukraine, Iri said.

Emily Mayer, director of the commercial arm of the Business Insight department at Iri, said: “Overall, this inflation is also linked to event in 2021, notably the coronavirus pandemic, which caused price rises in transportation and packaging.
“There is always a delay between raw material rises and the repercussions seen at the point of sale.”
The rise in meat products is largely due to rising energy costs (as meat production is energy-intense), and the rising cost of grains and other items used for bovine feed.
Pasta price rises were largely caused by drought in Canada in summer 2021.
“Canada is one of the major producers and exporters of strong wheat,” said Ms Meyer. “This climate event reduced harvest yields, even though demand stayed the same.”
Packaging and paper items also saw a rise in price due to raw material shortages and cost rises due to Covid, and rising energy costs (the paper industry is a major consumer of gas).

Source : The Connexion

疫情升溫 北市府:河濱公園不開放烤肉、餐廳禁走動敬酒

COVID-19疫情持續升溫,台北市長柯文哲今天說,預估9月底會迎來疫情洪峰,呼籲民眾中秋節避免群聚烤肉,餐廳嚴禁走動敬茶、敬酒,違者最高開罰新台幣1萬5000元。french cuisine Taipei


柯文哲說,中秋節期間不鼓勵群聚烤肉,雖然在家裡烤政府管不到,但應避免封街、萬人烤肉這種活動,且河濱公園不開放烤肉。french cuisine Taipei



柯文哲進一步表示,目前500床以上醫院已開設10%防疫專責病床,到昨晚為止還有445床空床,應該夠,不希望一下增加太多擠壓到正常醫療量能,但將徵召防疫專責旅館,預備未來確診人數上升。french cuisine Taipei



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